My projects

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Christmas ornaments

Handmade christmas ornaments made from 300 g paper from norway design

Embroidered napkins

Handmade Linen napkins with embroidery og vegetables, fruit and pollinators, a reminder to appreciate where the food on the table came from

Bacterial cellulose: an investigation into living materials, master thesis

During the last decade designers have fabricated new materials by using natural growth processes. This intersection of design and biology results in new materials. In this project i include the material during the whole design process by growing it instead of simply sourcing it “off the shelf”. Using relevant methods and theory in order to discover bacterial cellulose properties and to evoke its aesthetic values in an attempt to promote its social acceptance, and, hopefully, results in meaningful and sustainable design applications. As a designer I want to think of the material as a primary design element instead of a final problem to solve.


During my internship at Goods one of my assignments was to make a tool for the office, more specifically a creaser. A creaser is a tool for making folding edges on paper and cardboard, an essential for model making at Goods. Since this type of tool is not a standard available tool, I got the opportunity to design and make something custom and that fits Goods needs.


During my studies I experimented and spent alot of time at the clay workshop. Using old and new tools, hands and 3D-clay printer

LK- Hjelle exhibition

Designing LK- Hjelle´s stand for designers Saturday 2021


School project from 2020. The project focuses on the relationship between user and product, and how we as designers can see weakness and potential improvement in existing products. Through observation, research and intervjues we uncovered a problem area, and in the product development we focused on universal and sustainable design. The design we developed ensures that the bottle cap dose not separate from the plastic bottle, that it can be recycled as a whole, in addition to be intuitiv and inclusive

Natural dye

Linen napkins colored by natural materials, made for a exhibition at Gubransdalmuseene, “fra frø til lin” 22.6-20.10.2024

The idea was to sew a simple linen dye it with color retrieved from nature where the embroidery illustrates the source of the color. The napkins are colored with nettle, cow parsley, beetroot and pinecone, plants and vegetables you can find in Norwegian soil. Natural dye is another way to illustrate the “farm to table” mindset, which was an inspiration in this project.